Translations for EU Bodies- Translation services for public organizations of the European Union and not only, procvided through our dedicated Tenders Management translation department .
Paspartu is proud to have been selected as certified translations provider by the European Commission and its various institutions, for which it has successfully translated over 210.000 pages since 2009.
With an outstanding translation quality score of over 95%, Paspartu is a reliable translation partner of DGT and CDT EU organizations.
To access translations for EU bodies, Paspartu participates in complex public tenders, with demanding technical and price criteria. To date, Paspartu has own numerous such tenders in over 15 EU language combinations.
Up to date Paspartu has translated over 150.000 pages for European Commission’s Directorate General for Translation (DGT) covering more than 30 language pairs, into areas such as: medical and pharma, economics and politics, law, agriculture, European Union affairs, social affairs, public health, technical, finance/economics, employment, justice, environment, IT, energy etc.
For the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union- 63.000 pages translated so far.